seth lowe

52 Portraits, No. 25

I met Barry at a coffee shop in Rapid City, SD. He was standing behind me in line, and I commented on liking the feather in his hat. In an Australian accent, he told me it was from Wyoming, and that he was visiting the western US, and traveling for a few weeks. A few minutes later we made this photo in the parking lot. Pulling a page from Avedon's "American West" series, I shot the image in open shade with natural light, using a piece of poster board taped to the side of the coffee shop for my background. This is probably one of my favorites from the series so far.


52 Portraits, No. 22

This is Candice, the subject from my NY Times story I posted below.  After we got our shot for the story, I asked if she would be willing to let me photograph her for this project, and she agreed. She was vaping while I set up for the portrait, so I asked if I could photograph her smoking, which she thought sounded pretty cool. A few minutes later, we had this shot. Chill.

52 Portraits, No. 12

John is the owner and biologist behind Alluvian, a skin care company that makes its products largely from ocean based ingredients like seaweed, salts, and other minerals. He is currently in the process of building a new site and asked me to do some photography for it - ranging from product/still life sets to some lifestyle and portrait scenes. I love working with people that believe in and are passionate about what they are doing, and John is no exception. After we got done shooting last week, I asked if he would mind lathering up in front of the camera with some of his shave cream for a portrait.