Ben has been around since I first attempted to make a full time living at photography. We were roommates together in Denver, and I will never forget the adventures we had. Both of us moved out there on a whim without really knowing each other, and it is a season of my life that has really shaped me into who I am today, both creatively and personally. We have seen each other at our best and worse, been on awkward double dates together, and both tried out for Ninja warrior together... (seriously, scroll back through my facebook videos!)
man on white
52 Portraits, No. 19
Super thankful for my friendship with guy. He is a top notch photographer, and I love all of our conversations. It's great to have someone to be vulnerable with, and to challenge each other. I've also photographed all of the portraits from this series in his studio. Thanks Shane!
52 Portraits, No. 17
Ive added a new assistant to the SLP team, and thought I would intro him via the 52 Portraits project... Everyone, meet Jack! He is headed to film school in the fall, but will be working with me in the mean time. He's been a huge help so far, and its nice having another trust worth set of hands around when things get hectic.
52 Portraits, No. 16
Tim, pre hair cut. Someone once told him he could be a Hollister model... or so he says. Sorry for the late posting. Its been a pretty hectic couple of weeks, and just realized I hadnt been posting these!
52 Portraits, No. 12
John is the owner and biologist behind Alluvian, a skin care company that makes its products largely from ocean based ingredients like seaweed, salts, and other minerals. He is currently in the process of building a new site and asked me to do some photography for it - ranging from product/still life sets to some lifestyle and portrait scenes. I love working with people that believe in and are passionate about what they are doing, and John is no exception. After we got done shooting last week, I asked if he would mind lathering up in front of the camera with some of his shave cream for a portrait.
52 Portraits, No. 11
My Uncle Ned is this weeks subject for the 52 Portraits project. We spent a lot of family get togethers jamming in his basement on one of the coolest guitar collections you could imagine. A couple of years ago he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease. Instead of letting it define his future in a negative way, he has decided to use it as a tool to both strengthen others with Parkinson's, and educate people on the topic. A series of events led him to join a program called Rock Steady Boxing, where boxing is used a tool to literally fight back against Parkinson’s. You can read more about the boxing program, and my Uncle’s story here.