Happy Birthday to my Beautiful wife! She encourages and supports me faithfully, which in turn enables so much of my work and creativity to happen. You can read my little note to her, paired with this post on my instagram, but I am very proud to have her as my wife, and to finally include her in this project. Love you!
52 Portraits, No. 23
Admittedly, I am behind on posting this project on the blog... primarily due to having been traveling/camping the past two weeks, and trying to not spend a ton of time on my computer. Regardless, I photographed my friend Shanon, who is an incredible floral designer & entrepreneur for the project a couple weeks ago. We spent almost a week with Shanon and her husband, Austin, at their home in Northern Idaho, and had a blast... pictures from that to come. Shout out to my wife for doing the hair and styling!
52 Portraits, No 9
Dan is a co owner of my favorite coffee shops, and over the past several years of going there on a near daily basis, we have become pretty good friends. Dan has always had a pretty cool beard or mustache combination, so I thought it would be fun to include him in the project. We shared a couple beers, chatted about our favorite taco places, and came out with this image.
52 Portraits, No. 8
"You know that huge fish hanging on the wall in your basement?"
"Think about the moment you landed that thing."
"You know I caught a bigger one once, but I let it go... man it was huge."
-My Grandpa
52 Portraits, No. 6
I admire John immensely. There are few people on this earth who selflessly care about others at the capacity that he does. He is in amazing leader, father, grandfather, mentor, and pastor, that always has a newfound energy and passion for every person he meets or talks with. Thanks for letting me photograph you!
52 Portraits, No. 5
My friends daughter 'Fluff' has had big hair as long as I have known her. Ive always thought it would be fun to shoot a portrait of her, framed by her own hair, and this project gave me the perfect reason to.
52 Portraits, No. 3
"I can't be serious very well."
"Thats ok, this is just about showing off who you are."
"What should I do?"
"Why don't you look over at your husband..."
Kacy Lehman, for week number 3 of my 52 Portraits project.
Photo 52 Portrait Project
A few years ago I did a photo 365 project, and was really amazed at how much I grew through the project, as well as how much fun I had. I love shooting portraits, but most of my work and personal projects have always been location assignments where I am lighting people in natural backgrounds. As much fun as those are, I want to push myself to shoot more portraits in the studio on a background. Its a different way and challenge to capturing someone and tell a story. For the rest of the year I'll be shooting a black and white portrait of someone every week, and sharing on my blog and instagram. I couldn't think of a better person to start off with than my good friend Austin, who is actually moving out west this weekend. Can't wait to see the collection of images as a whole one year from now, or who I will meet and photograph through it.
Thanks, and have a good weekend!