What a year its been in so many ways. Ive traveled more than imagined, and really got to work on some fun assignments. I hit the ground in a near dead sprint last January, and felt like it never slowed down until about 2 weeks ago as I wrapped up a couple of final projects. Last spring, I was finally able to shoot a personal project in Wyoming that I had been dreaming of for years. Along with a some friends, I helped write and direct a few video projects including both a city tourism spot, and a piece for a Fortune 50 company. Working on the video assignments were a blast, and I actually ended up writing my first short film I'll be releasing soon. Thought the year I shot an ongoing campaign for a huge AG company that involved everything from lifestyle shots of farm life to some landscapes and still life pieces, and was able to wrap up the year shooting a dream assignment for Zion Coffee down in Central America. All that mixed with some random editorial assignments and everything else that goes on in life barely left me with time to sleep. I have a feeling 2016 is going to be a blast, and I am really excited for this next year. Thanks to Sarah Claxton for all the help and encouragement along the way, to Jordan Lehman for your wisdom and laughter, and finally to my wife - for believing in me when I fail to do so.